WCFGA Meeting- Sunday December 6th @ 2:00 – Port Alberni Kin Hut

Happy off season.
We are planning a WCFGA meeting for December 6th. There are a number of issues on the agenda which we are firming up. Planning to invite DFO to provide updates on our DNA sample program and also to discuss how WCFGA can work with DFO to improve in-season consultation and observation of the fishery.
We also desperately need to discuss Halibut, and in particular our participation at the IPHC meetings which this year will be held in Alaska. We have to discuss travel costs to the IPHC and determine if we can afford to send a representative this year. There are also some developments in how the halibut catch monitoring will be happening next season which if implemented mean fairly large increases in how fast we use up our halibut TAC. Possible early closures and/or other management measures if we want a full season.
Lastly, we need a plan and someone from within the WCFGA to help us set up a website to allow us to improve our efforts to communicate to membership.
Speaking of membership, if you haven’t yet paid up and received your 2015/16 membership card please complete the attached form and mail in your $50 cheque (we need the memberships).
Please mark your calendars and bring a friend to the meeting.

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